May 2

Monday Motivator for Your Job Search – How Will You React?

Life is 10% what happens to you
and 90% how you react to it.

~ Charles R. Swindoll


Derek had taken 5 years off work to care for his children after the death of his wife. When he was ready to go back to work, he interviewed for a job he could have done with his eyes closed–but he didn’t get the job.

What would you have done if that had happened to you?  If you’re like a lot of us, you may have decided in the face of that rejection that you needed to go back to school to refresh your skills, that you needed to aim for a lower-level job instead, or even that you no longer belonged in that field.

Derek didn’t do any of those things. Instead of giving up or taking that rejection personally, Derek got another interview for the same type of job, but this time took a 30-60-90-day plan to show what he was capable of.  Derek so impressed them in the interview with his plan that they created a role for him that was a more senior role (with a higher salary) than what he’d interviewed for.

Derek’s reaction was amazing, and I hope you are encouraged by his story.

If you are interviewing but not getting offers, take a 30 60 90 Day Plan.

30-60-90-Day Action Plan

30-60-90-Day Sales Plan

30-60-90-Day Plan for Managers

30-60-90-Day Plan for Executives

BTW – If you are sending out your resume but not getting interviews, don’t assume that no one wants you. Instead, take steps to redo your resume and find more jobs by uncovering hidden jobs in your field (there will be a lot).

Best of luck.



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