Customer Feedback

What our customers have to say about our products and Peggy's coaching

We know that sometimes even a 100% money back, total satisfaction guarantee that lasts for a whole year might not be enough to convince you that you need to stop fooling around and get busy working on your career by purchasing one of our products.

You want PROOF! You want to know that what you're buying is actually going to help you in your job search.

Hey, that's what this page is all about. Check out what actual people, people JUST LIKE YOU have to say about the products and services that we provide.

If by the time you read what others have to say, listen to the ones who have actually recorded their thoughts in their own words about how we helped them, if you aren't convinced that we are the right choice - well then I guess there is no amount of convincing that is going to help you.

Go ahead, spend 5 or 10 minutes checking out the feedback. Then get out your credit card, choose the product that you are most interested in and take ACTION!


I got the job by utilizing the tips that I had learned from Peggy

Catherine DeSimone - Senior Virology Sales Specialist at Tibotec

"It gives me pleasure to highly recommend Peggy McKee and her career coaching consultant business. She is extremely knowledgeable about the Pharmaceutical, Biotech and Medical Device Industry.

I have been a Hospital Specialty Pharmaceutical/Biotech Specialty Sales Rep for 20 years and for the first time found myself laid off, amongst many other very talented and well qualified candidates. I paid for 30 minutes of private coaching with Peggy. She was personable, professional, and direct with her line of questioning, and spot-on with her advice. I gained helpful tips by watching her videos and found the 30-60-90 business plan to be the most helpful to differentiate me from the other candidate.

The next job interview I had, I got the job by utilizing the tips that I had learned from Peggy. My advice to other successful laid-off reps looking for a job is to utilize Peggy's services. She really understands the industry and knows what it takes to get the interview and then to leverage your own unique skills to get you the job. You will get an excellent ROI as she is worth every penny!

I strongly recommend Peggy McKee's services. It truly was a pleasure working with Peggy and her assistant. I am very grateful for what I learned from her."


Finally, I Have a Resume I Feel Confident About

Jamie Verkamp - Medical Sales Candidate

"Peggy, thank you so much for the career and resume coaching... The overhaul that we did on my resume and the tips that you gave me to utilize in my job search, I feel very good about. I feel like I have a very powerful resume"

"I look forward to implementing the strategies and techniques that you provided to me for my job search and seeing results soon. I know I will."


Everyday I realize the huge benefit of making this investment

Carl J Smith - Director of Professional Sales

"I am very pleased with the product. I have found myself returning to it from time to time, when I find myself asking, "Now what was it that Peggy said to do here?”

Since I was not sure what to expect, I have to say that this product is more than what I expected.

I did have my LinkedIn profile 85% complete prior to ordering this product. Even @ 85% completion, I found things that Peggy mentioned that led me to change some things on my profile, as well as find tools that I did not know existed.

I honestly have to say that since I cannot even remember how much I paid for this product, it was definitely worth the price. I say that tongue in cheek as when I make a purchase there is always some level of buyer’s remorse. Not in this purchase. Everyday I realize the huge benefit of making this investment, no matter the price. I think that the cost of not purchasing this product would very quickly out-weigh the minimal purchase price.

With Peggy's LinkedIn course, my internet presence is certainly improved. In fact yesterday afternoon, I rec'd an e-mail from a recruiter asking me to contact him about a search he was conducting. When I called, we started talking about the opportunity. Then he asked me to wait while he brought up my LinkedIn page. I asked him if that was how he found me and he simply said, "Why, yes it was". He has presented me to the client and we are waiting to hear back. The President/CEO of this company and I used to work together at another company a few years ago.

Between the price of my lunch @ Panera or purchasing this product, which were both about the same, I think my money was very wisely spent. I would certainly recommend this product to anyone who is considering using or is already a user of LinkedIn.

Kudos to Peggy and her team for the work that they put in on this. I really appreciate her expertise and insights."


Your advice helped get me a second interview for an excellent job

Rodney Rastall

"Wanted you to know your advice helped get me a second interview for an excellent job. I am in the running for sure.

It was on the 30-60-90 day plan. He was impressed that I had one, and the second interview let me expand upon it.

Even if I do not get this job, the level of preparation elevated me in his eyes, and more opportunities may come from it. I just wanted to express my appreciation for your excellent and incredibly timely counsel."


Why did I wait so long?

Dick Fraze

"Peggy is an amazing career counsellor and coach. I attended one of her webinars on how to improve my chances in getting a great sales job. During the session, I was convicted that I needed to have my own plan as part of my next interview for a sales job.

I was concerned that I would not be able to afford her professional help, but to my pleasant surprise she was more than affordable! So I proceeded to sign up for her help which was extremely easy and then I downloaded her resources and went to work.

I was able to put together my business plan for a third interview and present it in person. WOW! I got a job offer over the phone later that same day! I have been out of work for sixteen months. I definitely believe that having my plan to submit and review with the hiring manager was a big factor in my receiving the job offer. Thanks, Peggy, but why did I wait so long???"


Peggy provides a consistency in service and advice that is often not found

Chris Dwyer - Pharmaceutical Sales Representative

"You can really tell when someone cares about the work they do and is willing to put their time and experience to work for you. Peggy provides a consistency in service and advice that is often not found even outside the realm of recruiting.

She will provide you with the confidence and knowledge you need via instructional videos, an in-depth blog, and personalized advice throughout the interviewing process.

I highly recommend her services and am happy to have had the opportunity to work with her.”


Peggy was AMAZINGLY Helpful

Victoria Sellier - Territory Sales Manager

“Peggy was amazingly helpful in every step of assisting me to acquire my new career position. She stayed in touch, informed me of what to expect, and gave me tools to assist me in my success. She was great to work with, and I recommend her to anyone looking to get into a career in the medical sales arena!”


I had such a great interview

Sandy McManus Horton

"WOW, I had such a great interview yesterday.

I completed the 30-60-90 day plan and presented in the fashion that was outlined in the audio and with such great results. I have been in the Pharmaceutical field for 17 years and I knew that I had to add something new, something truly above the rest of the potential candidates, and your program, easy to use templates, was just want I needed to be super successful in an interview.

The interviewer found the plan easy to follow, lay out was great and he found all relevant details he wanted to see. I am also so impressed with your companies follow up! Great Job!"


Thanks for your responsiveness

Ed Hardesty

"Thanks for your responsiveness … that’s impressive.

I had purchased the 30.60.90 day plan with audio a while ago and lost track of it when I reworked the files on my PC, recently. So, I followed the purchase link to see if there was a way to download what I had previously purchased along with the new PowerPoint templates. When I didn’t find what I was looking for, I jumped out of the screen. Then I worked with the support person via the on-line pop up window and I received what I was looking for. The Support Analyst was professional, responsive and helpful.

By the way, I recently used the 30.60.90 day plan and tips and templates successfully to land a good sales position. I started Oct 19th. Keep up the good work."


Got the job offer!

Jody Bird

"They selected me out of the other final 3 candidates. It was the thorough 30/60/90 sales plan I created AND he liked how I asked (closed) with essentially asking for the Endorsement. I closed with "can I count on you for thumbs up" type remark. It was awkward to ask but per your suggestion, knew I should not leave without doing this. I did it and you know what...It matters!"


"I have to tell you my story"

Pete Carr - Area Manager

"I have been out of work for over a year. I am a store manager for a floor covering company for over 30 years. I have interviewed several times and I was fully qualified, but there were 30 other people as fully qualified, and I was missing something every time and never got the job.

I went to an interview last week and took your 30-60-90 day plan, of course I customized it to me and my profession, and it worked!!!!! He was so impressed with my plan that he not only hired me, he hired me as a general manager for all his stores, A 6 figure job. Much more than I was interviewing for.

The plan worked far beyond my expectations. It was the best $90.00 I ever spent. Thank you for your plan. I was getting desperate down to my last dollars, and I was reluctant to spend the money, but I am so happy I did."


Honestly, I would have never been able to do it without you

Jennifer Morris - Medical Sales Candidate

"I'm just calling to tell you that I took your experience and advice, and I put it to work, and I'm so happy to let you know that this morning I accepted a fantastic job offer. The company that I accepted the offer from is a great fit for me, and I can honestly say I would have never been able to do it without you. I know I would not have been considered if it were not for your expert advice.

I started looking, actually, for a job in late May, early June of this year, 2009, and nothing was happening. I was doing the same old thing of applying online and waiting for a response. I got in touch with you on July 13th and in that one-and-a-half month time frame, I got more activity than I have ever had in any job hunting effort in my life.

This I can honestly say, Peggy, has been the most eye-opening experience, and I will definitely stay in touch with you in the future.

I cannot recommend your services enough to anyone who feels stuck in that day-to-day rut of looking for a job. I could not have done it without you."


A Guiding Light in my Darkest Hour

Saumitra Rahatekar - Business Development Manager

Peggy was the guiding light for me in the darkest of hours. I approached her when I started looking for a change. She had just one session with me which went a long way in helping me land the job I am currently in. Peggy asked me the right questions and redesigned my resume according to the answers I gave.

She showed me the right way to look for a job change, gave me tips for the interview and most of all, she taught me the art of following up after the interview with her 30-60-90 day plan. I recommend Peggy to everybody who is looking for a career change and is sincere enough to walk her talk.”


Got the job of my dreams within 6 weeks

Denny Basham - CEO, Subsilio Consulting

"I used Peggy's 30-60-90 day plan and got the job of my dreams within 6 weeks. Her system works if you just use it and it is easy to implement.

I have recommended her to several friends looking for jobs and I really hope that they believe what she says b/c it works. Highly recommended!"


I think I did not purchase anything... but merely made an Investment

Steve Almeida - General Manager

"The 30/60/90-day sales plan samples and audio coaching very clear and precise in its offering. Actively listen, take good notes and implement them to the T. No expectations no disappointment is one mantra, and has learned to curb my enthusiasm when expecting certain things.

The Sales Plan/ audio coaching simply delivered. Had a quick turnaround to create and present a sharp professional document that enabled me to successfully navigate a Sales Interview. The hiring manager received the document well and voiced his confidence in my ability to articulate the features and benefits of the company's extensive product/service offering, much the way I presented my credentials while demonstrating how I would Plan my work and Work my plan!

I think I did not purchase anything... but merely made an Investment... ROI is there, it’s up to you how fast you earn it back!!!!

It’s made a best candidate it set the bar for each and every interview from now on! No excuses... It provides you a template/outline to articulate your abilities and how you intend to contribute towards their overall enhanced productivity.

Without Reservation, in this depressed economy where it’s an employer's market, having their pick of ultra-talented pool of professionals out there. It remains a must to catch the hiring manager’s attention, and secure his/her confidence in the first meeting... period... This system greatly enhances that probability!"


I had blown a second interview

Karen Parnell - Administrative Assistant

"I am happy to report that I have landed a job with the State of Idaho, administrative support in the International Business Division. Thank you for all of your support, encouragement, and for providing the tools necessary to put into the full-time search effort.

I originally found Peggy’s videos searching on You Tube. A month or so prior, I had blown a second interview on an inside sales position with Regence BlueShield. Simply the deer in the headlights syndrome for some of my behavioral interview answers.

Being depressed about this for weeks, I mean laying around in my PJ’s, dazed and in a real funk. I finally got out of the pity party and found your videos, ultimately leading me to sign up for total access, which has really made a difference, and so worth the investment.

I feel so much more confidence and felt hope, that there would be light at the end of the tunnel. After almost a year of unemployment, the rejection can wear on you. I had 20 interviews over 11 months, but only felt I did a great job on the last 2 of them, thanks to my study of your materials.

Attitude is everything! My resume was okay (it was generating interviews), but I did tweak it with more keywords based on your suggestions. What really helped, was studying my answers to questions and practice. It’s really amazing - you know yourself, but putting it into words when you’re nervous and so much is on the line, is really difficult. It was nice to hear you say that I wasn’t the only one that was having this difficulty.

Thank you again for all you do and sharing your knowledge. I will spread the word and share my good fortune of discovering you."


Wow…I am very impressed

Jim Davis - Medical Sales Rep

"Wow…I am very impressed. Before I decided to invest in your audio conference, I had done quite a bit of reading on your blog and your site…which by the way are packed full of very informative information.

For someone like myself, who is trying to break into the medical sales field, the information that I learned today will give me that edge that I am looking for."


I can't remember the last time I had so many a-ha moments

Andrea Emerson - Pharmaceutical Sales Rep

"Just wanted to let you know that after fine-tuning my resume based on your advice, I submitted it to a major pharma company and had a phone call within 2 days to schedule an interview. As I prepare for that interview, I'm devouring your materials and I'm confident I'll be very well equipped to "close the deal."

I was apprehensive about buying your system at first, because I'm not easily impressed and have been sorely disappointed by other gurus' info products. That said, I can't remember the last time I had so many a-ha moments. Thank you for making my investment a fruitful one."

Still not sure which package to get?

let's chat about your particular situation and I'll tell you what would be best for your needs - no cost!