May 17

America’s Job Openings Near Record High … Great News, Except …

America Job Skills GapMaybe you’ve seen the news that America’s job openings are near a record high of 5.8 million (see this story from CNN Money).  That sounds like great news, but read on in that story and you’ll see the catch: the job skills gap.
According to the article, employers are having a hard time finding people with the skills they want for the jobs they have open. Part of the problem is a real gap in the education needed for certain jobs, but for a lot of these jobs, employers’ expectations are running a little too high. They want people who are ready to run on Day 1, who don’t need any training in order to do the job. They got used to being able to ask for and get ‘perfect’ job candidates during the recession, and haven’t all adjusted yet.

This is causing a problem for a lot of candidates. When you look at online job postings, you’ll see a lot of overwhelming job requirements in their ads and think, “There’s no way they’ll look at me.” If you respond to the posting and apply online so that your application goes to HR, that’s probably true.  Now what?

If you know you can do the job even though you don’t have all that the employer is asking for in an applicant, here’s what you can do:

  1. Stop wasting your time filling out those online applications. They will go into the system, where you’ll get rejected because a quick scan of your resume will show that you don’t have the requirements they want.
    Instead, contact hiring managers directly. The hiring manager is the person who would be your boss (or your boss’s boss), and this is the person who is feeling the pain of not having someone in that role right now.  They very often don’t see all the applications, and yet they are the ones who could see how your skills could fit their job. Find the name of that person and send them a message telling them who you are and what you can do for them (and attach your resume).This is the best way to get an interview, especially if you don’t match the qualifications they say they want. Many people who have applied online and been ignored have gotten interviews and job offers by just taking this one proactive step.
    If you’re not sure exactly how to go about doing this, get my Hidden Jobs Finder. It shows you multiple methods of finding the hiring manager you need, and gives you a compelling message to send that’s proven to get a positive response.

  3. Make sure your resume markets you. If your resume looks like a general job history, you are going to make the hiring manager work to see how you could be useful–and they probably will just put it in the trash and go on to the next one.
    Instead, tailor your resume so that it sells you and add quantification. Quantification means to describe your accomplishments in terms of numbers, dollars, and percentages. Read about quantification here: Write a Resume That POPS. These numbers will capture their attention and make them much more interested in you.

  5. When you go to the interview, bring a 30-60-90-Day Plan. There is no better way to show that you can and will do the job even though you don’t have all the requirements they’re wishing for in a candidate. With your plan, you’ll show them how you will accomplish what they need from you as fast as possible. You will be a breath of fresh air for employers who aren’t finding what they want from anyone else, and they will hire you. We offer plan templates and coaching packages for everyone:  Action Plans, Sales Plans, Manager Plans, and Executive Plans.

Remember that unrealistic expectations are also causing problems for companies who actually do need someone in that role. Solve their problem for them. Be their solution. Take these steps to put yourself in their path and show them that you are ready, willing, and able to take on their job and be successful.



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