Job Offer President Role30/60/90-day plans work for job interviews at all levels…from new graduates to President of the company.   In Allan’s case, the plan helped him show his fit for the job and the company.  He says it ‘unequivocally differentiated’ him from the other candidates.  What job seeker doesn’t want that?


I hope this finds you well. I’m happy to tell you that I recently began a new role as President of a small, privately held distribution company in Las Vegas. As we discussed, “fit” was a key criteria for me in my search, and the alignment on every level with the business owners is remarkable. I’m excited about the role and the opportunity ahead of us. It’s different than anything I’ve ever done, yet will require all of the skills and experience I’ve accrued in my career.

Obviously I was a client, but thank you for your support and counsel during my search. As you know it isn’t an easy process, and the tools and advice that you provided were critical to success. In particular the advice about being relentless on the networking process, the tips about dealing with ageism, and most especially the 30-60-90-Day Plan were key for me. I would be happy to provide a testimonial about the 30/60/90-Day Plan…it unequivocally differentiated me in the search and interview processes, and provided a basis for guiding the discussion where I wanted it to go…to the skills and experience that I could bring to a role.

Best regards!

Allan O’Neil

If you are ready to stand out from your competition and show your fit for the company, find out more about 30-60-90-day plans and get yours started today.

We offer plans with templates and coaching for all professional levels:



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