The more we do,
the more we can do.
~ William Hazlitt
The more we learn, the more we can do. The more we do, the better we are at whatever it is. We get faster, stronger, and better.
I think that we should always be learning and growing as much as we can–not just in the skills that may make you great at your job, but in the things that will help you long-term in your career: networking, marketing yourself, and reaching for new opportunities.
It can be hard to get started, but once you do, it gets easier.
I want to encourage you to take action this week. Make that phone call. Talk to that person. Send your resume to that hiring manager. Learn how to market yourself, even if it means working with a career coach.
Check out what’s on topic for Career Confidential’s Free Training Webinars this week. I hope to see you there.
Best of luck.