January 31

How to Find a Career Coach

how to find a good career coachYou may realize that you want to work with a career coach for all the benefits you’ll gain from it—but how do you find the right coach for you?

Here’s a list of things to consider when searching for and deciding on a career coach:

  • Know What You Want to Get Out of Coaching

Do you need a Coach or do you need a Counselor?

In general, counselors will fall more heavily on the side of helping you determine which career path to take…what job you should do, what would make you happy, etc.

On the other hand, a Career Coach will tend to focus more on the here and now tools you need…how to get the job you want, how to market yourself, how to advance, etc.

  • What Kind of Coach are You Looking For?

You absolutely want someone with experience in coaching. No one wants to be the guinea pig for someone just starting out.

You may also want to consider finding someone with specific experience in your field. In some cases, their specialty knowledge can be invaluable.

  • How to Find the Right Person

Finding the right coach can be overwhelming at first. Start with some research. Ask around your network to see who’s used a coach before and what they experienced. Recommendations are valuable.

Search for coaches online. Find their websites, articles they’ve written, and LinkedIn profiles. You’ll get to know how they think and how they approach problems and issues based on what they publish. Their LinkedIn profiles may also include endorsements and recommendations from others you can learn a lot from.

Pay attention to their credentials. What degrees do they have? If you’re in a highly technical field, you may not want an art history major coaching you (no disrespect to art history majors). If you’re a creative, you might not want to work with a former accountant. On the other hand, someone with experience in marketing or public relations might be just the person to help you market yourself in the job search. It all depends on you and your situation.

  • Ask for a Short Consultation

If you think you’ve found the coach for you but you’re not confident enough to pull the trigger and buy the time with them, ask for a short phone consultation. Don’t expect free coaching, but you can outline your problem and see what they say. Do you think there’s a good personality match? Do you feel comfortable with them?

If you’re not ready to purchase a 3-hour package of coaching time, dip your toe in and start with 30 minutes.

I’d love to work with you as your career or interview coach.

Find out more about my special offer for personal 1:1 coaching or my group coaching membership that meets online Thursday evenings at 7:00pm CST!

Best of luck!



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