July 17

Getting Interviews but Not the Job? Here Are 5 Possible Issues and How to Fix Them


If you’re getting interviews but not the job, it’s beyond frustrating. It’s discouraging and even frightening. But you can take control over this situation and reverse it. Check out these 5 things that may be holding you back and learn how to fix them so you can get hired.

You’re not strategic enough with your interview answers

The worst thing you can do in a job interview is to memorize a ‘script’ of what you think you’re supposed to say for a perfect interview answer. That leads to things like answering, ‘What’s your greatest weakness?’ with things like, “I just work too darn hard.’

A real perfect interview answer takes into account the needs of this company and this role and sells you for the job. Don’t give generic answers about being a fast learner. Give examples of a time when you learned something fast and most importantly, how it turned out. Telling stories and showing results helps you and your interview answers stand out in a job-getting way.

See my 101 Job Interview Questions and Answers Series.

You’re not asking questions

You can’t just sit meekly in an interview and only speak when spoken to, answering their questions. That gives the impression that you aren’t that interested in the job and won’t take Show some initiative, interest and intelligence by asking smart questions of your own.  Asking questions helps you keep the conversation going and even gives you information that helps you deliver better answers. It’s a win-win.

(See 3 standout interview questions to ask.)

They can’t see your fit

Just because you’re qualified for the job doesn’t mean that they’ll automatically know you’re a good fit. And it’s not always a matter of how much they like your personality, either.

The best way to show your fit for the job is to create and present a 30-60-90-day plan. A 90-day play lays out your priorities and action steps for the first 3 months on the job.

When you walk them through your plan, they get a good idea of your approach and your thought process. They have a work-based conversation with you rather than an interview-based conversation. They start to visualize you in the job. Once they do that, they can really see how you fit.

Find out how to make a 30-60-90-Day Plan here.

You’re bringing up salary too soon

Some job seekers think that they should bring up salary early on because if it’s not high enough, they don’t need to waste their time on the interview process. However, that is misguided thinking.

It’s true that the company may have a salary range they can offer, but it’s also true that there may be benefits and perks you don’t know about yet that could make that salary range doable for you. It could be that after interviewing, the company sees that you’re worth more than that and finds the extra money to sweeten the offer. They could even offer you a higher-level job with a higher salary than what you interviewed for (especially if you bring a 30-60-90-day plan). These have all happened for job seekers.

Your best negotiating point is after you’ve interviewed with them and they’ve decided they want you. Wait until you have an offer in your hand to talk about the money.

You’re not closing

Closing is a sales technique that asks for the business—or in this case, the job. At the end of the interview, ask how you did. Say, “Based on our conversation today, do you think I could be successful in this job?”

If they say yes, then you know you did well and may get the offer. What if they say no or they’re not sure? Then you know there’s some issue that needs to be resolved. If they tell you what it is, you may be able to address it and save your job offer. When you find out what it is, there’s a good chance you can fix it and get the offer.

Job seekers who try this technique boost their chances of getting the offer by 30%-40%.

Getting interviews but not the job? Boost your interviewing skills

Along with these fixes, you can and should boost your interviewing skills. Interviewing is a skill that you can develop and get better at. You just need training and practice. I encourage you to sign up for one of my free training webinars or even schedule some time with me for one-on-one interview coaching. I’d love to help you. Best of luck!



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