August 28

Military Veteran? Here’s How To Get a Job

military to civilian job searchIf you are a recent military veteran, or if you are about to transition to the civilian workforce, you know you’re facing a potentially difficult time getting a job.  But why is that?  You’re skilled, you’ve held positions of responsibility, you know how to work hard.  Why wouldn’t an employer snap you up in a heartbeat?

According to an article on, 3 of the biggest concerns that employers have about hiring you are:

  • They don’t understand how your skills relate to them
  • They have some biases against you based on how they think you are
  • They are afraid you won’t know how to fit in with corporate culture

These are big obstacles…how can you get around them?  The answer is all about good communication.  Selling yourself for the job.

If they don’t understand how valuable you are, then you have to show them.  Explain it to them.

If they have biases against you, you can correct those with your email and phone communications with them.

If they think you won’t fit in, go into your interview and show them that you will.

So is that easier said than done?  Not really.  The basics of every job seeker strategy are the same, no matter who you are or what you do.

Where yours is different, we have a solution for you.  It’s called Mission: Transition.

What’s Mission: Transition?

Mission: Transition is a comprehensive, step-by-step job search and interview system that we developed just for military veterans and their spouses.

It trains you in the foundations of an amazing job search, as well as carries you over the special obstacles you face as a veteran or a veteran’s spouse.

Here’s what it covers:

  • How to write a resume that ‘sells’ your skills and gets interviews
  • How to conduct a targeted job search to find a large number of relevant opportunies
  • How to conduct a long-distance job search (great if you’re not already geographically where you want to be)
  • How to communicate with hiring managers (employers) to be your most effective
  • How to develop interview skills that communicate your value
  • How to make yourself stand out
  • How to negotiate compensation and benefits
  • And so much more.

If you are transitioning from the military to a civilian job, this is need-to-know information for you.

Find out more here:  Mission: Transition.




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