Executive-1If you are frustrated in your job search, you need to notice 3 things in this hotel industry executive’s story:

1.  Even highly skilled and talented people can have difficulty in the job search–but it can be overcome with a better approach.

2.  It pays to follow up with companies you’ve applied to or sent your resume to.

3.  Even the mention of a 30-60-90-Day plan can be enough to get the interview–and it can certainly get the job (in this case, within 2 hours of the interview).

I hope you read this and are inspired for your own job search!

Peggy –

I just wanted to send you a note to say thanks – thanks for lighting a fire inside to get me motivated again, and thanks for reminding me how powerful the 30-60-90 Day Plan can be!

After being unemployed for about 6 months, I was perusing the internet and came across your information. I liked what I saw and signed up for one of your webinars. I think the first one I attended was how to avoid age discrimination while looking for a job. That was the one that got me moving again – got me energized and fired up! The next webinar was about the “secret weapon” to use – the 30-60-90 day plan. Of course!, I said to myself. In my industry (hotels), we use this all the time, in many ways (forecasting occupancy, creating sales & marketing plans,  etc). Years ago (it had been over 10 years since I had had to “look” for a job – they came to me), I had written a 30-60-90 and it got me the job immediately. So I knew the power of it.

One day, soon after that, a job was posted on LinkedIn through one of my groups. I responded to it, and included my resume. I received a response saying they would look at my resume and get back to me. 10 days went by with no response. So I sent an email with the subject line “30-60-90 Day Plan”, and a brief explanation that if I had a chance to speak with them further about their business I would be able to put a plan of action together for them. The phone rang almost as soon as I hit the “send” button – and it was the president of the company!

This company is based in X, and I am in Y, but I was planning a trip to visit my sister who happens to live in X (and who has been bugging me for years to move there). So the president of the company suggested we meet for lunch. Over lunch, I introduced my plan, and was able to suggest some concrete ideas that would help solve some of their immediate issues. Within 2 hours after that lunch meeting, they called and offered me the job.

Long story short, I am now in the process of moving to X. This is a big change, but in my industry and at my level (VP of Operations), one often has to relocate. That is the reality, as upper level positions are few and far between.

So, just wanted to send a testimonial to say that the 30-60-90 day plan works! Of course, you must be able to back that up with concrete facts and evidence of success in the past, but that’s true of any interview, especially when discussing your resume.

Please feel free to use this, but I ask for anonymity please. I am too well known in certain circles.

[Name Withheld By Request]

VP of Operations

If you really want the interview and the job, create a 30-60-90-Day Plan to show them that you are the one to hire.



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