March 12

The One Who Gets the Job Will Always Have These 4 Qualities

clipboardJob seekers are always looking for the “secret” to what the interviewer is really looking for, so they can make sure to say and do the things that will get them hired.

I’ve been a recruiter and a career coach for over 15 years now,  dealing with a massive variety of personalities, companies, and business arenas, and I’ve found something important that you absolutely need to know…all interviewers are looking for the same 4 qualities in every candidate:

  • Does you understand the job?
  • Can you do the job?
  • Will you do the job?
  • Do you pose a risk to my own continued employment?

These are the qualities they want to see:  that you understand the job, you can do the job, you will do the job, and you won’t pose a risk to their job.  If they are responsible for hiring you, they are accountable for how you perform in your job. The manager wants to make a good hire, and it is a big risk.

So the question is, how can you answer those questions for the interviewer (the hiring manager, or your future boss) in a way that makes them feel comfortable and happy about making the decision to hire you?

One way to do this is by keeping these questions in mind when you deliver your interview answers.  You’ll be surprised at how knowing these questions are there in the background can help you improve your interview answers.

Another way to do this (and make yourself stand out from everyone else) is by creating a 30/60/90-day plan. A good 30/60/90-day plan outlines what you will do as a new employee during your first 3 months on the job. It covers your training and your strategy for success. Your plan (and your discussion of the plan with the hiring manager) answers all those questions.

  • It shows that you understand the job, or you never would have been able to create the plan. It’s an especially good tool for job seekers who are new to the career.
  • It shows that you can do the job—you already have a plan. The plan shows, step-by-step, what you intend to do to get up to speed and take off as a self-sufficient, successful employee.
  • It shows that you will do the job because anyone who would take the time to create a plan like this already has a good work ethic and commitment to the job.
  • It shows that you won’t pose a risk to the manager’s employment. He can see that you know what you’re doing, and he can see that you know what it takes to be successful.

The 30/60/90-day plan is an invaluable tool for you as a job seeker. If I were in the job search right now, I would not go to a single interview without it.

** Read more about creating a 30-60-90-day plan here=> 30-60-90-Day Plan: How to Create and Use It to Knock Their Socks Off in the Job Interview

*** If you want a fast way to write a plan that’s proven to get results and detailed coaching on how to use it in your job interview, see my 30-60-90-Day Plan.



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