November 10

The Hiring Manager’s Opinion: What Tilts the Scale in Favor of Hiring You?

Have you ever wondered what the hiring manager was really thinking?  Of course you have.  We all wonder just why one candidate is chosen over another one.

I just saw something interesting that sheds some light on that question:  Hiring managers speak out:  9 things that seal the deal.  It’s got candid thoughts from hiring managers in a variety of fields on what really appeals to them in a candidate and makes them want to offer the job.

What were some common thoughts?  Enthusiasm, asking questions of your own in the interview, and how you follow up.   They all say different things about you and contribute to the overall impression you make as a candidate.

Read it for yourself to find out more, and then check out our Strategic Approach to the Job Interview to tilt the odds in your favor every time.


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