June 26

The Best Job Search Advice to Ignore


Advice about what you should do and shouldn’t do in your job search is everywhere; but not all advice is good advice. What’s the best job search advice to ignore?

Job Search Advice to Ignore: Not Calling to Get the Interview

It’s very common for job seekers to hear “Don’t call the company.” That means, let them contact you if they want you…don’t call to try and get an interview, and don’t call after the interview to see how it went. You may see instructions in job listings that say, “Do not call.”

Here’s what I want you to know from my extensive experience as a hiring manager, a recruiter, and a career coach who’s worked directly with thousands of job seekers: not calling is really bad advice. Why? Because it doesn’t matter what that company wants…what matters is YOU. You are the one who needs a great job.

HUMAN RESOURCES departments are the ones who don’t want calls. They’re the ones who add ‘Do Not Call’ to the job listing. Hiring managers, on the other hand, need someone to fill that spot. They want to hear from you. They may not even know that you’re interested in the job. So if you don’t call, you may miss your one opportunity to get that job.

I’ve worked with many job seekers who applied for jobs online and waited…and waited…and never heard anything. When those same people picked up the phone to contact the hiring manager (or sent a simple email), they got an interview. What’s more, the hiring managers were thrilled to speak to them—and they got the job.

Are you going to get the interview every time you contact a hiring manager? Of course not. But if you don’t call (or email), you’ll never get it.

More Job Search Advice to Ignore: Not Calling After the Interview

The same thing applies when you hear, “Don’t call after the interview to see how it went.” Are you kidding me? This is your life. You have a right to know what’s going on with it. If you haven’t heard from the company by the time they said they’d make a decision, call them. Don’t assume that if they haven’t called, they don’t want you. All kinds of things could have happened.

Check in to see what’s going on. Not only does that demonstrate your continued interest in the job, it’s just good communication. If they tell you they decided to hire someone else, then at least you know and you can move on. If they say they haven’t decided yet, ask if they’d like to meet with you again to gather more information. Either way, you are moving forward.

Bottom Line

hidden jobs finderYou deserve a full-throttle, gutsy job search. You’ll get the best job and you’ll get it fast.

If you want a step-by-step guide for how to contact hiring managers and what to say to them, check out my proven, highly rated Hidden Jobs Finder.



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