I just heard from a candidate with an interesting question: How many times can you follow up with a hiring manager after a phone interview?

This candidate had a great phone interview, and had already emailed his thank you note (got to get it there within 24 hours, I say), but realized he had a piece of information in his brag book that would bolster his chances. Should he send it, or would it be overkill?
I say, “Send it.” Anything that’s done well and supports your candidacy can’t be overkill–once. One extra email after the thank you note that provides some supporting evidence of your fit for the job is a fantastic idea. More than one veers off into strange places–practice moderation, but make it count.
For instance, if you have some piece of evidence that ties into a particular question during your interview, that’s even more awesome. You can say, “Just wanted to get back in touch with you. During the interview, we talked about this. I said (whatever you said), but here’s some additional information that shows you how I achieved ______.”
Anything that keeps you in the top of the hiring manager’s mind, or that shows him your enthusiasm for the job, or that helps them see even more why you’re a good fit is a good thing.
(If you need more info on phone interviews, check out this video post on Phone Interview Essentials.)