Low self-confidence isn’t a life sentence. Self-confidence can be learned, practiced, and mastered–just like any other skill. Once you master it, everything in your life will change for the better.
– Barrie Davenport
As a career coach, I give advice and strategies to people who want to get a job or move up in their career. A lot of the time, I am not just giving instructions–I am also boosting the self-confidence of the person I’m coaching.
Many, many talented and skilled people are being held back only by a lack of confidence. Some people are born with lots of it–but if you weren’t, or if circumstances have taken your confidence away, you need to develop it. If you add confidence to skill and talent, the sky is the limit.
To build up your confidence, try one (or all) of these:
Read this blog post: Use a Positive Attitude to Build Your Job Search Confidence
Read this blog post: #1 Way to Boost Your Job Search Confidence
Set up a Career Coaching session with me: Peggy McKee Career Coaching. I’d love to help you.
Best of luck!