test FAQs

See How Management-Level Candidates Are
Getting Job Offers in MINUTES…
(Many Are Offered More Senior Roles!)


Set Yourself Apart With a Plan That Demonstrates
Your Strategic Thinking, Communication Skills, and Leadership

Dear Job Seeker,
Imagine….your dream company interviews 2 management candidates with identical experience and skills.  One brings a written outline of how they would attack the job and be successful quickly (a plan, if you will) and the other doesn’t bring a plan. 
The one WITHOUT the plan has a great interview, answering questions well and building rapport with the interviewer.
The one WITH the plan is clearly better-prepared for the interview, engaging the interviewer in an in-depth discussion of what they would do to be successful in this role, so that the interviewer can visualize what he or she can do to benefit their company.
The candidate WITH the plan demonstrates:
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Communication Skills
  • Leadership
  • Work Ethic
  • The Ability To Prioritize
  • The Ability To Set And Achieve Goals
If you were that interviewer, which candidate would you hire?  You’d hire the one WITH the plan, of course.
You wouldn’t dream of letting a standout candidate like this get away.

Hiring managers don’t want to guess who would be the best hire. 
They don’t want a coin toss—they want a Clear Winner.

If you have a plan, you will stand head and shoulders above your competition.
 YOU will be the clear winner, and YOU will get the offer.


Peggy McKee America's Top Job Search Expert
Hi, I’m Peggy McKee—America’s Top Executive Career Coach.  I am a national executive recruiter, author, and job search expert.  I’m going to show you how a 30-60-90-Day Plan:
•  Can Set You Miles Ahead of your Competition,
•  Show that YOU are the Clear Winner, and
•  Get you the OFFER Every Time you Interview.
This is exactly what happened with Randy, Shirley, and Pete:
Got a Job Offer 90 Minutes After the Interview
RandyHello Peggy,
I’m a veteran of job searches over the last 10 years.  Lately I had been getting interviews, but no offers.  I recognized the need to do something different, so I [got your 30-60-90-day plan]…What a difference it made.  The hiring manager (COO) brought in 6 candidates for the director-level job, and we each interviewed [with] 6 people.  I was 1st on 5 ballots, and 2ns on the other, and was clearly the best prepared candidate…I nailed the interview; he called me with an offer 90 minutes after I left.
Randy L.
The Plan Separated Me From My Competition…I Start in 2 weeks!
Hi Peggy,
I just wanted to let you know I used your 30/60/90 day plan.  I landed the job!!!  I start in 2 weeks after 5 months searching…The plan was one of the things that separated me from others.  They were Shirleyvery impressed by my plan and no one else interviewing had provided something like it. Thank you again for all the information you provided!
He Was So Impressed, He Hired Me For a 6-Figure Job (More Than I Interviewed For)
PeteI have been out of work for over a year. I was a store manager for a floor covering company for over 30 years. I interviewed several times and I was fully qualified, but there were 30 other people as fully qualified, and I was missing something every time and never got the job.
I went to an interview last week and took your 30-60-90 day plan, and it worked!!!!! He was so impressed with my plan that he not only hired me, he hired me as a general manager for all his stores, a 6 figure job…much more than I was interviewing for.
The plan worked far beyond my expectations….Thank you.
Pete C.
All 3 of these management-level job seekers had been struggling for months to find a job.  The typical advice for these folks would be to take a class to build skills, network more, or even try a new career—but they didn’t have to do any of those things.  They didn’t change one thing about themselves at all.
Each of these people only made an adjustment in how they approached their job interview, and it produced miraculous results for them.  What finally put them over the top was the 30-60-90-Day Plan for Managers.

Why a 30-60-90-Day Plan for Managers So Incredibly Effective
in Your Interview?

Think about what hiring managers are looking for in a winning managerial candidate. What do they want to see before they agree to hire you?
When filling a Management Role, employers are looking for MORE
than just the skill set to do the job.
You know this is true…think about how many management jobs you’ve been qualified for that you didn’t get.   And think about how many people get jobs even though they don’t quite have everything the company asked for in terms of qualifications.
Who is the ‘hiring manager?’
This is the person who will be your boss or immediate supervisor.
This is the decision-maker with the authority to say “You’re Hired.”
Every hiring manager (no matter which industry or career area), has 4 questions constantly in their mind as they interview you for any management position:
  1. Do you UNDERSTAND the job? 
    (No one can be successful at a job they don’t understand.)
  2. Can you DO the job?   
    (This is a different question….You might understand how an engine works, but can you make it
    go?  Maybe not. ‘Understand’ and ‘Can’ are two different things.)
  3. WILL you do the job? 
    (This is a question of motivation and willingness to work—not usually something you can prove in an interview.)
  4. Do you pose a RISK to their own continued employment? 
    (All executives are judged on the quality of people they choose for the organization.  If you fail, then he or she fails.)
The answers to these questions are incredibly important.  Why?
Every candidate knows the right answer to give, whether it’s true or not. So, most hiring managers have hired someone who appeared to be a great fit but turned out to be a nightmare.
So if they won’t trust your words, then you have to somehow show that you are the answer they’re looking for.  Actions speak louder than words, right?  So what’s the solution?


Your Management Interview Solution is
a 30-60-90-Day Plan for Managers
A Written Outline of Goals and Action Steps for Your 1st 3 Months On the Job

Every job has tasks, actions, and goals that, if completed, will ensure your success….a 30-60-90-Day Plan simply lists those tasks, action steps, and goals in written form.
A 30-60-90-Day Plan is broken down into 3 basic parts:
First 30 days – Typically, these are the details of how you’ll get the training and orientation you need to settle in and get started.
Second 30 Days (60-day part)– This involves going deeper, doing more things on your own, getting feedback, and strategically evaluating and prioritizing what needs to happen
Last 30 Days (90-day part)– In this month, you will show that you will continue to execute on the same strategic, quality actions that made you successful in the first 60 days, and you will begin to more heavily insert your own stamp on the role with your own initiatives and agenda.



Why Does My 30/60/90-Day Plan for Managers Get You the Offer?

•  My 30-60-90-Day Plan for Managers answers 4 critical questions of every hiring manager:
     –  Do you UNDERSTAND the job? 
     (The details of your plan clearly show that you understand what you’re doing.) 
     –  Can you DO the job?
     (You’ll show that not only do you understand it, you know what it takes to be successful at it.)
     –  WILL you do the job? 
     (If you will go to this kind of effort before you even get the job, what kind of amazing,  
     hard-working go-getter
will you be when you’re hired?)
     –  Do you pose a RISK to their own continued employment? 
     (The plan demonstrates that you pose no risk, and in fact, you’ll make them look like a rock star
     for finding you.)
•  They will see that you can think strategically about the role (one of the most important
     qualities to have in a future manager) and understand what you need to do in order to be
     successful, so they will be very excited about you and the opportunities you represent. 
•  They will see the level of preparation you have put into this plan for the interview, so they will
     assume this is the level of preparation you will bring to the work you will do for them.
•  They will communicate with you at a deeper, more significant level about this job (more so
     than with other candidates who don’t have this plan).
•  Having this plan sets a psychological mood that is radically different from a typical interview….
     it puts the hiring manager on your side and sets in their mind a detailed picture of you
     working for them
and puts them half way to making you the offer.
•  Your plan demonstrates your drive, work ethic, and commitment to success—all intangible
     qualities that are virtually impossible to demonstrate any other way.
•  Your confidence level soars—because you are the most-prepared you’ve ever been and you
     have a plan that you know is proven to impress decision makers.
The investment of time and energy you make in this plan will pay you in terms of
  • Boosted Confidence
  • Increased Knowledge
  • Better Communication
You will shine in the interview and be the sizzling hot candidate they can’t wait to hire.
I have never, in 20 years, seen a hiring manager at any level fail to be impressed with a candidate who brings a 30-60-90-Day plan.
Reviewing plan
All 3 Called Me Back and I Got the Offer I Wanted
I accepted a great job offer…for the salary I wanted. In the interview…she asked me how I would approach the job . I said “I have a written 30-60-90 day plan…” They were blown away…I had 3 different interviews that week and all 3 called me back and I got the offer from the one I wanted. Thank you for all of your help.
Jodi R.
The Greatest Interview I Ever Had In My Life
Your 30/60/90 Day Action Plan [gave me] the greatest interview I ever had in my life. The panel was so impressed, I was so happy and [I enjoyed] myself during the interview. I knew that I had aced the interview even before the interview was over.  Thank you very, very much…I was hesitant, but it worked wonders for me!
Tshepang (South Africa)

How Can You Create a Job-Winning Plan of Your Own?

If you’re like most people, you can clearly see what an amazing tool a 30-60-90-Day Plan for Managers is, and how it would help you get just about any job you want.
Also, if you’re like most people, you’ve never created a 30-60-90-Day Plan before–especially for a management-level job.  Where do you start?
The truth is that a job-winning 30-60-90-Day Plan for Managers requires a lot of research and a lot of work.
The plan you want to bring to your interview is a 3-page document…one page for each 30-day section. Anything less is not worthy of you, the job, or the high salary they’re going to pay you for filling that role.
Each section should have a detailed list of action steps that are tailored for that particular job.
For instance, one step in the first 30 days should be to participate in any corporate training you need to operate within your role.  A plan that’s tailored for that job will actually include the name of the training that company uses.
Starting from scratch, a good 30-60-90-Day Plan  for Managers can take days of hard work to put together…both to determine what goes into your plan and to research the company to get the details you need. But…

What If You Had a Proven Plan Already Done For You?

However….what if you had all the most important, strategic, critical actions that must be taken to be successful in your new job already listed out?  What if all you had to do was insert the details for the company you’re interviewing with?
Instead of spending a week researching the best steps to include in your plan, all you’d have to do is research the company (which you should do before the interview anyway) and plug in the details.
You could get a job-winning plan done in as little as 2-3 hours.

Not Only Do You Get A Proven, Powerful, Easy-To-Use Template…
You Also Get Coaching On How To Use The 30-60-90-Day Plan For Managers In Your Interview

Let me tell you why coaching is so critical.  The questions I hear most about 30-60-90-Day Plans for Managers are
(1) How do I bring it up?
(2) What do I say?
(3) What if they don’t ask about my plan?
If you’ve never used a 30-60-90-Day Plan before, it’s only natural that you may feel uncertain and maybe even uncomfortable about how to incorporate it into your interview.
Because I want your success when you utilize my plan, I have included a Coaching Video that explains exactly how to use the plan in your interview.
Video thumbnail
In this coaching, or training,
  • I give you actual words and phrases that are GUARANTEED to put the hiring manager in a positive frame of mind toward you and your plan.
  • I tell you exactly what to say to introduce your plan and discuss it with the hiring manager during the interview.
You will be able to confidently talk about your plan,
say exactly the right thing at the right time, and have
the best interview of your life.
The template and the training together are so comprehensive that if you had a job interview tomorrow, you could get my plan today, spend some time with it and your company research, and go to your interview tomorrow as the best-prepared candidate they see.
Your confidence level would soar and you’d have a great conversation with the hiring manager, who will be impressed with your skill, understanding, drive, and enthusiasm.
It would be the best interview of your life. 
girl looking back
Backstory:  I developed this particular plan for my own personal use.  I began my career in sales and sales management, and that’s where I began using the plan.  These kinds of 90-day plans, or business plans, are more well-known in sales jobs (and if you are in sales management, your interviewer will expect you to have a plan).  The last time I was in a job search, I got 5 job offers through the use of this plan.
As I moved into executive recruiting in the medical sales field, I became known across the industry as someone who delivered extremely well-prepared, impressive candidates.
I insisted that every one of my candidates prepare this plan for their interviews, because I knew how well it worked and how it could practically guarantee that my candidate got the offer.
As I used it with my candidates, I fine-tuned it so that I could quickly show a new candidate how to create a plan and know without a doubt that if they followed my instructions, they’d have a great plan, and I’d have a happy client who wanted to offer my candidate the job.
When I became a career coach, I refined my plan so that it could apply to everyone, not just sales reps and sales management.
Management-level job seekers in all kinds of industries, in countries around the world have used my 30-60-90-Day Plan in their job interviews—with tremendous success.
                          What Job Seekers Say About My 30-60-90-Day Plan
Almost without fail, management-level job seekers who use my plan tell me things like:
  • They said I was the best-prepared candidate they’d ever seen.
  • I just had the best interview of my life—I’ve never communicated better.
  • I was able to really highlight what I’d bring to the job.
  • I was more confident than I’ve ever been in a job interview.
  • The hiring manager was so impressed with my plan.
  • She said it was easy to see me being successful in this job.
  • I got the job in my first interview.
  • I saw a “Wow” expression on the hiring manager’s face.
  • They called the same day to offer me the job.
  • I had several interviews and never got the job—until I brought your 30-60-90-day plan.
  • They were still talking about me and my interview weeks after I got the job.
  • They offered me a job that was ABOVE the one I actually applied for.
  • I got an offer at a MUCH HIGHER salary than I expected to get.
It’s really the best part of my job, to hear the success stories from people like these:
The Offer Was Way More Than I Was Asking
Jesse….Peggy, let me tell you, with that plan in my pocket…I felt like the Undefeated Champion of the World!  I waited for the right moment then, before I knew it, I was in total control with the VP on my left and the Director on my right engaged on what we would be doing together in the next 90 days!…The VP was so impressed that he opened up another window of opportunity stating that they do have expansion plans…[talking about] how I would fit in and they loved the strategies for personnel  that I presented, etc., etc,… I felt GREAT coming out of that interview!  I had never felt that way before. I was offered a different position [with a salary that was] way more than I was asking, plus benefits, with an annual salary review!
Live On 30/60/90!
I Was Offered a Higher-Paying Position Than The One I Applied For
The 30/60/90 Day Action Plan is incredible! The very first time I used it I was offered a higher paying position than the one I applied for. Scott
Scott R.
It Shortened My Job Search By At Least 4 Months
BradleyPeggy, I had to make a 30-60-90 day plan for a job interview here in Norway.  I had never done one before … I killed the competition with my plan using your templates and all the information….

The company I worked for downsized almost 50% of their staff …this is the first time in my life (I am 51) that I was out of work. I had a Director position …and the loss of the job came as a shock…With…your tools and templates, I was able to land a job as the COO of the Norwegian Branch of an insurance investment company based in London. In my previous Director position I had an annual salary of about $160,000 before benefits.  My new job now pays $200,000 and soon…they will raise my salary to $250,000!

It only took me 2 months to find this job.  I thought I was going to be out of work for at least 6 months.  Thanks again for all your help!
Bradley K.

My Salary Tripled
Hi Peggy,
I owe you a huge “thank you”… I received “the call” [on Tuesday] for an interview [on Friday]. The first thing that came to my mind was the 30, 60, 90 day plan.  I was a bit stressed, because I wasMildred afraid I did not have enough time to put together a good presentation, but guess what I did it. The night before my interview, I felt like I was “armed and dangerous”, all because I took your words, did my homework and prepared myself for the interview.  I aced the interview; the following Monday I got the job offer.   It was unanimous all six people voted hands down for me and my salary tripled.
I thanked God first and then you, the 30,60,90-day plan really works. Many, thanks!
Mildred M.
After a 5-Year Break, They Created a Job Just For Me
After taking a 5 year career break to look after my children following the death of my wife, I decided … to resume my career. After having sooooo many job applications ignored or turned down… I finally got invited for an interview. It went dreadfully even though I could have done the job with my eyes closed.
I was invited for another interview…at a different company…[and] went to [this] interview with my question list and 306090 day plan, but some of my experience wasn’t broad enough. Although I was turned down for the job, the interviewing manager recommended me to his directors stating “this was the best prepared candidate I have ever seen and we would be mad to let him go”.  So I was invited back for another interview for a more senior role that didn’t yet exist, and for which they had no other candidates. This was a unique challenge – but I still did a 306090 day plan for it…extending it to cover tasks in months 4-6 and beyond.
Today I was offered this more senior job, on a good salary, with promise of a review after 6 months to increase that further once the role has been properly scoped. I’m defining my own dream job! Thank you so much for all the great advice.
Warm Regards
Interview This Morning….Job Offer This Afternoon!
Hello Peggy:
I thought that I’d drop you a line to let you know how the 30/60/90 day Action Plan worked for me. I bought your template and coaching yesterday afternoon and worked yesterday evening to put myRamona action plan together. I had no time to lose. I brought my action plan in to my interview this morning and by this afternoon I received and accepted a job offer as a Nurse Supervisor in a well-known home care agency. Thank you for your guidance. The 30/60/90 Day Action Plan really works!
I Got a Job Usually Reserved For More Experienced People
Dear Peggy,
JorgeThank you so much…with your help I was able to secure a job in the pharmaceutical industry straight out of pharmacy school. Your 90 day plan outline helped me impress the company so much that I was given a promotion to a senior title, which is usually for pharmacists who complete a 2 year industry fellowship. Thank you for helping me get the job of my dreams.
Warm regards,
Jorge F., PharmD
I Got The Offer in Less Than 45 Minutes
I had to write this email to say THANK YOU. I interviewed yesterday for a job I really wanted when it came time for me to ask questions I pulled out my 30, 60, 90 day plan and presented it to them. SidneyWOW WOW WOW they were won over!!! One of the [interviewers said] “This is impressive.  My mind is made up I have no further questions.”  The recruiter I was working with received a call (before I could drive home a 45 min. drive) with a job offer. IT REALLY DOES WORK!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!
Sidney S.
I Stepped Up Into a Senior Project Management Position After a Layoff
Dan“I GOT THE JOB!” …I pulled out the plan on the first interview and my new boss was highly impressed – both that I went through the effort but also because it mirrored his own plan of action for the position (Senior Project Manager).  I…was only on my job search 3 months – and not only is it a new job, it is actually a step up into a senior management position….Peggy’s videos and motivation really helped me stay focused and retrained me to do a job search after 12 years of really not having to. 


You Can Have Your Own Success Story
With My 30-60-90-Day Plan for Managers

It’s so easy.  Everything in this plan is practically done for you.  You get:
  • 10 Different Fill-In-The-Blank 30-60-90-Day Plan Templates
    (proven plans with all the hints and tips you need)
30-60-90 day plan for managers templates
  • 10 Different 30-60-90-Day Plan Samples
    (to show you how to adapt the plan as needed to fit your job in your field—it’s very flexible)
30-60-90 Day Plan for Managers Samples
  • 10 PowerPoint Templates with Tutorial
    (if you need a more technically-based presentation, or if you are interviewing in front of a group)
30/60/90 Day Plan for Managers Powerpoints
  • Intensive Video Coaching for everything you need to create and present your plan.
306090 Day Plan for Managers video coaching               video coaching for 30-60-90 Day Plans for Managers
I’ll show you how to:
  • Research the Company and Customize Your Plan

  • Pick the Right Time to Introduce Your Plan in the Interview
  • Use Key Phrases to Discuss Your Plan with the Hiring Manager
  • Use the Plan to Ask Questions and Gather Information
  • Turn Your Interview Into a Positive, Productive Conversation
  • Create the Psychological Mood That ‘Magically’ Gets You the Offer
  • Ask the Question That Boosts Your Chance of Getting the Job by 30%-40%
This is a priceless tool that you absolutely must have for your next interview.
Because I believe so strongly that you need my plan, I am willing to ‘bribe’ you to get it.

If You Get My 30-60-90-Day Plan For Managers
Right Now, I Will Give You
2 Additional Bonuses To Go Along With It

Bonus #1
bonus badge  

Audio – Closing for the Job ($17 value)
This is the extended training to help you ask the question that boosts your chance of getting the job by 30%-40%.  You’ll learn how to ask for the job successfully.

Bonus #2
bonus badge

Peggy’s Favorite Power Words ($37 value)
This bonus pack includes 150 powerful words that will add punch to your plan (and your resume!).
If you put this plan and these bonuses together,
You Are Practically Guaranteed A Job Offer
The Next Time You Interview.
What would you give for a guaranteed job offer?  If I were in a job search, I would easily pay $2500, $5000, $10,000 or more—no question. For the right job, $10,000 would be a great investment.  
Don’t get scared….I am not charging $10,000 for my plan.  I’m not going to charge you $5,000, or $2500. I’m not going even going to charge you $100.
For my exclusive 30-60-90-Day Plan for Managers,
+ the Closing for the Job audio,
+ the Power Words List,
+ the Personal Review of your plan,
I am only charging $97.
30-60-90 Day Plan for Managers
Remember the 2 candidates I talked about in the beginning?  One has a great interview, and the other has a great interview AND AND my 30-60-90-Day Plan for Managers like this one.
Which one is the clear winner?  It’s the one with the plan.
Wouldn’t you rather be the candidate WITH the plan?
Or, think of it this way:  Would you want to go up against someone with a plan if you didn’t have one of your own?  Bringing a 30-60-90-Day Plan for Managers to your next interview is the only thing that makes sense.
Without my template, examples, and coaching, you could spend days searching for what you think you might need for your plan, and then you won’t be sure that it has everything.  You won’t have the plan that’s been proven to be successful for thousands of job seekers, and you might not get the job.
A 30-60-90-Day Plan for Managers like mine is not something you can find just anywhere, either.  I’ve made it my business to see what other folks are doing in this area.  What I’ve found is that what sets my plan apart, aside from the fact that it’s been proven to work with thousands of satisfied clients, is my coaching.
Even if you find a good, solid plan somewhere else, it won’t come with my coaching that helps you present it in the interview.  Think of it this way….say you were starting some project.  You’re building a house, you’re cooking a gourmet meal, or you’re creating a project on your computer.  An expert hands you a top-of-the-line tool to complete your project, and then walks away.  Will you be successful at using this tool? Probably not.
But what if the expert walked you through how to use this top of the line tool, giving you the shortcuts and the warnings and the best practices? Would you be successful then?  Absolutely.  That’s why the coaching I’ve included in my 30-60-90-Day Plan for Managers is so critical for your success.   
You only have to try it, and you’ll agree that I’m right. But I know that it can be a big decision to order something like this, so I want to let you know…

My 30-60-90-Day Plan for Managers Comes With a Complete Satisfaction, 100% Money-Back Guarantee For a Full Year

365 Day Money Back Guarantee
If for any reason you try it and you do not agree that it’s worth every penny, you can contact me and I’ll give you a full refund.  In fact, you can try it as many times as you like, in as many interviews as you can get for the entire year and if it doesn’t do everything I’m telling you it will do, I will absolutely refund every cent of your purchase.

Act Now

  1. Get out your credit card—either Visa, MasterCard, or Discover.
  2. Click on any green bar that says “Click Here” to go to our secure purchase page.
  3. Enter your name, best email address, and credit card information.
If you’d rather not order online, you can order by calling our office toll free at (800) 694-2562.
When your purchase clears, I will send you a confirmation email with instructions on how to access your Plan on our website.  This is an important email, because it will give you your Career Confidential Membership Page link along with your exclusive Username and Password so that you can access your 30-60-90-day Manager’s Plan, which you will own for life—including FREE UPGRADES.
Why do we use online access rather than just mailing you a hard copy?
  1. Online access means that you have No Wait Time. You can get started with your plan on any computer with internet access, as soon as you get your email.
  2. Online access means that you have No Expensive Shipping Charges, which saves you money.
  3. Online access means that we can solve any problems you may have much faster, and it means that we can give you Free Lifetime Updates.  If we ever, from now until the end of time, make any updates or changes to this product, you’ll have them immediately.
Don’t Hesitate One More Second.
Get The 30-60-90-Day Plan For Managers And Get The Job Offer In Your Next Interview. 
30/60/90 Day Plan for Managers
Invest in yourself.  Invest in your career.  Set yourself apart from other job seekers with a plan that demonstrates your understanding of the job and your ability to be wildly successful.
Wishing you great success,
Peggy McKee, CEO – Career Confidential
Click Here To Get Your Proven 30-60-90-Day Plan for Managers

If you don’t do this right now, you will not be as prepared as you could be for your next interview.

You will risk letting a job offer get away, and at your level, those opportunities are few.
Don’t let that happen. 
Get the 30-60-90-Day Plan for Managers. 
It’s easy to use, and I will help you all the way. 

Remember, you get:

10 different 30-60-90-Day Plan Templates

10 Sample Plans for Management-Level Jobs

10 PowerPoint Templates with Tutorial Video Coaching for creating and using the plan

Peggy’s Power Words (also good for your resume)

Closing for the Job Podcast

Free Lifetime Upgrades

100% Money-Back Guarantee—for 365 Days

30-60-90-Day Plan FAQs

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Who can this plan work for? 


This 30-60-90-Day Plan for Managers works for interviews for management-level and higher positions (CEO, COO, CTO, Directors, etc.) in ANY field:

Accounting • Sales • Retail • IT • Insurance • Marketing • Investing •

Customer Service • Manufacturing • Social Media • Pharmacy • Healthcare

Research & Development • Logistics • Education • Project Management • Engineering •

Criminal Justice • Operations • Finance • Non-Profit


[i4w_texpand header=’

How many jobs can I use this plan for?


You can use your plan for as many job interviews as you want to get. 

The plan will be yours forever, AND, if I ever update or upgrade my plan in some way,

you will receive the upgrade for FREE.


[i4w_texpand header=’
What if the interviewer doesn’t ask to see my plan?


In management-level interviews, they are likely to ask your thoughts and ideas

for how you would approach this job, or how you would solve some issue. 

These are great times to introduce your plan.  There are several key points in your

interview where it’s easy to bring it up.  In the coaching,

I will tell you where they are and what to say.


[i4w_texpand header=’
What if I try to bring it up and the interviewer doesn’t want to talk about it?


Even if you never get to talk about your plan, just the act of creating one will

elevate your interview performance more than you can imagine.  All your answers

to interview questions will be better and stronger than they would be if you had not

created the plan.  And, you always have the chance to bring your plan to the second interview!


[i4w_texpand header=’
Should I create a plan to bring to my first interview? 


Absolutely! There’s no benefit in saving the best for last in an interview situation. 

What if they decide not to move forward with you after the first interview? 

You’ll never get a chance to show your plan.  However, creating a plan to blow them away |immediately will guarantee a second interview (where you can bring a refined version

of your plan after you get more information from the hiring manager), if not a job offer. 


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What if I make a mistake in my plan?


It’s impossible for your plan to be perfect before you speak to the hiring manager. 

When you discuss it with the hiring manager, you can ask things like,

“Do I have this right?”

“Do you agree that this is a good goal in this time frame?”

“Do you have any suggestions I should add to my plan?”

All of these questions facilitate conversation and give you information you need.


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Could I use this plan to get a promotion?


Yes!  These are great for internal interviews, too.  Any job where you need to show

that you are capable and can succeed is a job you need this plan for.


[i4w_texpand header=’
Can’t I create a plan on my own?


You can, but it will take an enormous amount of work and you will experience some

trial-and-error mistakes.  Not every plan is the same; and the quality of your plan

will reflect on the quality of you as a candidate.

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