There are two facts about the job search you might not realize:
1. Around 70%-80% of all jobs are never advertised, which means they are never posted on online job boards.
2. Only a tiny number of online applications (maybe 5 out of 1000) ever get to the person who can make the decision to hire you.
I don’t know about you, but if I were in the job search, I would not like those odds.
The only way to beat the odds and find the job you want is to go around this broken system. Go straight to the hiring manager.

I’ve been teaching job seekers how to find and contact hiring managers for years, and they can’t believe how fast this helps them find great jobs.
I wanted more people to have the same success my candidates have had, so I created a free webinar to show you how: Stop Applying and Get Hired Instantly!
If you can’t get past the online application, or you can’t find the job you really want, watch it now. See how thousands of jobseekers skipped online applications, got multiple interviews, and got hired fast. Get a better job faster!