November 9

Affiliate Marketing Series: Part 1 – What Is It & Why You Should Care


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affiliate marketingPerhaps you’ve heard of the term “affiliate marketing” but didn’t know what it meant.  Perhaps your idea of affiliate marketing was that it was some kind of complicated activity that only Internet gurus could be good at. Perhaps you have never even heard of the term “affiliate marketing.”

Today, I’m going to start out with the first post in a series of posts that will take you all the way from affiliate novice to pro, even if you’ve never heard of the term before.  During our time together, I’m going to give you all the definitions and details of what it is so that you have a very thorough understanding of the subject.

BUT, that’s not all.  I’m also going to show you why affiliate marketing can be a very important and relevant topic for you.  By no means will I be trying to turn you into an Internet marketing guru; that takes years of study and practical application of various marketing principles.  What I am going to do is show you how anyone, including YOU, can put together a pretty nice recurring income stream that doesn’t require a whole lot of work on your part.

I don’t know about you, but when someone talks about making good money for very little work I have one of two reactions:

  • Too good to be true, no such thing as easy money, this seems scammy to me.
  • Hey, this is someone I respect telling me I can make good money fairly easily, better listen up!

Hopefully, your reaction is the latter.  You probably aren’t as familiar with me as you are Peggy, but I’ve been helping build and run Career Confidential since we started in back in March of 2009. I’m hoping that some of the good reputation that we’ve built with over 25,000 paying customers in over 90 countries will give the instruction series I’m putting together more credibility with you.

Definition – Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is an advertising model where a company pays compensation to third party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services. The third party publishers are referred to as affiliates and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company.

The third party publishers are called affiliates. Affiliates generally “sign up” to participate in affiliate marketing of a company’s products.  During that sign up process they provide the company with detailed contact information so that the company can pay them commissions.  It is also during this time the the affiliate is usually assigned a unique identifier to that all of the refereed traffic and leads generated can be attributed to themselves.

The level of support of affiliates vary from company to company, as do the commission schedules for products and services that the company pays commissions on.  Companies pay affiliate commissions on all their products, some don’t.  Some pay commissions on recurring or subsequent sales, some do not.  Some companies pay commissions on subscription based products, some do not.  Some pay commissions for the lifetime of the referred contact, others do not. Finally, some companies even pay you a percentage of the sales generated by affiliates that you refer and their sales, others do not.  The differences in the commission program can make a huge difference in amount and longevity of your earnings per lead and the actual return on your investment of time.

Career Confidential Affiliate Commission Plan

We pay affiliates on their referred leads, for the lifetime of those customers, for as long as the affiliate remains a part of the program.  We pay 35% commission on all products and subscriptions (with the exception of private coaching) for the first tier referrer, we pay 10% for the second tier referrer, and 5% for the third tier referrer.

If you’re interested, my partner, our VP of sales, and I put together a free training webinar for folks who are interested in exploring becoming an affiliate.  Here is a link to the webinar replay: Free Affiliate Marketing Training Webinar It’s only about 35 minutes long and gives you all the details you need to get signed up and to be successful promoting our products.

Whether you are an affiliate marketer already, a small business owner with a list of customers that might be interested in what we offer, or a customer/fan of Career Confidential who would like to earn some money to offset your purchase, the webinar is for you.

Next up in the series, I’ll discuss how why affiliate marketing and promoting other’s products and services is a GREAT way to go.

PS – Don’t miss the webinar: Free Affiliate Marketing Training Webinar



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