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Use Little-Known Tactics To Get Hired While Everyone Else Wastes Hours
On Online Applications — And Stays Unemployed

Free Platinum Membership gives you access to 8 outstanding, job-getting tools–all at no cost.


    Reveal Crucial Secrets You Must Know Before You Begin Any Job Search–Without These, You Will Fail


    These Cover Letters Virtually Guarantee You An Interview


    You’ll Learn To Network Without Painful Small Talk; Make Contacts Easily & Get Them To Help You!


    That Most Job Seekers Have Never Heard Of — Guaranteed To Get The Attention Of Employers


    The Most Comprehensive Interview Prep Guide EVER


    These Answers Will Get You The Job Offer


    Most Job Seekers Will Never Know These Valuable Job-Finding Accellerators.


    Using Your Age And Experience To Your Advantage To Beat Out Those Whippersnappers


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We’ve Helped 30,000 People Find Jobs Fast… See Their Results For Yourself


  • Your 30/60/90 Day Action Plan [gave me] the greatest interview I ever had in my life. The panel was so impressed, I was so happy and [I enjoyed] myself during the interview. I knew that I had aced the interview even before the interview was over.  Thank you very, very much…I was hesitant, but it worked wonders for me!

    Tshepang (South Africa)


  • I had to write this email to say THANK YOU. I interviewed yesterday for a job I really wanted when it came time for me to ask questions I pulled out my 30, 60, 90 day plan and presented it to them.  SidneyWOW WOW WOW they were won over!!! One of the [interviewers said] “This is impressive.  My mind is made up I have no further questions.”  The recruiter I was working with received a call (before I could drive home a 45 min. drive) with a job offer. IT REALLY DOES WORK!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!

    Sidney S.


  • After taking a 5 year career break to look after my children following the death of my wife, I decided … to resume my career… It went dreadfully even though I could have done the job with my eyes closed.


    I was invited for another interview… went to [this] interview with my question list and 306090 day plan, … the interviewing manager recommended me to his directors stating “this was the best prepared candidate I have ever seen and we would be mad to let him go”.  

    Today I was offered this more senior job, on a good salary, with promise of a review after 6 months to increase that further once the role has been properly scoped. I’m defining my own dream job! Thank you so much for all the great advice.



  • I accepted a great job offer…for the salary I wanted. In the interview…she asked me how I would approach the job . I said “I have a written 30-60-90 day plan…” They were
    blown away…I had 3 different interviews that week and
    all 3 called me back and I got the offer from the one I wanted. Thank you for all of your help.

    Jodi R.


  • I have been out of work for over a year. I was a store manager for a floor covering company for over 30 years. I interviewed several times and I was fully qualified, but there were 30 other people as fully qualified, and I was missing something every time and never got the job.


    I went to an interview last week and took your 30-60-90 day plan, and it worked!!!!! He was so impressed with my plan that he not only hired me, he hired me as a general manager for all his stores, a 6 figure job…much more than I was interviewing for.


    The plan worked far beyond my expectations….Thank you.


    Pete C.


About Career Confidential

Here’s Who We Are & What We Believe:

Career Confidential is a rapidly growing job search training company based in Texas that specializes in providing job seekers with powerful and customizable tools and techniques to get the jobs they want fast.

Our job seekers become employed very quickly through our targeted tools and training that give them an aggressive, powerful, "Plus One" approach to the job search in everything from resumes to social media presence to contacting hiring managers to interview strategy to closing for the offer and negotiating salary.

Since nationally-recognized recruiting and job search experts Peggy McKee (CEO) and Carl Chapman (CTO) founded Career Confidential in 2009, we’ve grown from one product, the 30/60/90-Day Business Plan, to more than 100 tools, books, videos, apps, and webinars to guide you through every step of the job search.

We help job seekers in 90 countries worldwide…the United States, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Australia, the United Arab Emirates…the list goes on.


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