What should you do to prepare for your IT job interview?

That’s a question I recently asked an expert–Jeff Lipschultz, owner of A-List Solutions, a recruiting firm in the Dallas area that places a large number of technology candidates all over the country.  Jeff is the go-to resource for IT professionals in the job search.

Jeff and I had a long conversation about IT interview questions and preparing for the IT interview, and I want to share some of his terrific insights with you.

This quote on how to prepare for the interview is one of my favorites:

Doing your homework means preparing a checklist of what you want to talk about. It also means knowing what you want to ask them, because the questions you ask are often what differentiate you from the other candidates.

If you ask questions about the company that only a person who did their homework would know, they’ll raise an eyebrow, and it shows that 1) you know something about that topic; 2) you’ve done your homework; and 3) it creates a dialogue about something you might both be interested in talking about.

Anytime you create a dialogue, you’re making a connection to your interviewer, and that’s a very important thing, because there’s this soft part of the interview that is just defined by their gut feeling.  Therefore, if they make a connection, are comfortable with you, and really have confidence in you because of these little things, it builds an unspoken sense of credibility.

Jeff talks about the process of creating this checklist, and how to use it in the interview…he’s got some great ideas.

We talked for over 30 minutes about preparing for the IT interview and how to answer IT interview questions.  I want you to hear what I heard, because being able to listen directly to an expert is incredibly valuable to you if you’re in any kind of a job search.

So I put the entire conversation into an audio recording for you.

>>>> Listen to the entire audio here: IT Interview Questions <<<<

I encourage you to take the time to listen.  You are going to get tremendous insights that you just can’t get anywhere else about how to get the job you want in information technology.

In this audio, you will hear:

  • How to interview for an IT job
  • Typical questions to expect in an IT interview
  • How to prepare for an IT interview

You can get more of Jeff’s advice on his blog — Jeff Lipschultz’s Blog.

Get ready for your interview with my Free Training Webinar, How to Answer Interview Questions You will learn how to communicate with the hiring manager in a way that will make them practically beg to hire you!  >> Find out more here. <<



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