March 9

Monday Motivator for Your Job Search – What Failure Means

FlowerFailure doesn’t mean you are a failure;
it just means you haven’t succeeded yet. 

Robert H. Schuller


Job searching is full of ‘failures’: you don’t get a response back from the company; you don’t get the interview; you get the interview but it doesn’t go well; they decide to go with the other candidate; you don’t get the job.

If you run into one of these situations in your job search, keep this quote in mind:  you are not a failure–you just haven’t succeeded yet.

Job searching is a numbers game.  It takes anywhere from 5-10 interviews to get a really good job offer (but I have seen estimates as high as 14-17).

One of the ways you may get really discouraged as a job seeker is going through this numbers game process very slowly:  you apply for a job, you wait and wait, you don’t get the interview, and then you look around for another to apply for.  Or, you apply for the job, get the interview, and stop looking.  You go through the company’s long hiring process, you don’t get the job, and then you start back at square one.

What you should do instead are things that keep your motivation and confidence high and get you a job faster. How?  Speed up the process.  Go after many jobs at once. Go after jobs you don’t even know for sure are available.  Contact hiring managers at companies you’d like to work for, by the dozens or even hundreds.  Then, you get multiple responses, you get multiple interviews (think 3-4 interviews in a week) and you get multiple offers. (Imagine how it would feel to have 3 job offers in front of you to choose from–amazing!)

Watch this video to see more about how this works and how to easily do it yourself with a proven system:  Find More Jobs and Get More Interviews

I wish you the best of luck this week in your job search!



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