test training webinars for SS

[i4w_wj_training_webinars_new_generic_slot slot=’1′ webicode=’467f73bc4a’ webdate=’November 13, 2014′ time=’11 AM Eastern’ title=’Stop Applying for Jobs–and Get Hired Instantly (LIVE EVENT)’ youtube=’eL-EZ-JGU6o’ videodescription=’Watch the video to find out why you MUST register and attend this training webinar.’ middledescription=’Filling out job applications online is the WORST way to get a job. Find out why this typical job search tactic is actually HURTING your chances and learn what you can do about it.’ bulletone=’Learn the top 3 things that get you the job’ bullettwo=’Stand out with tips that anyone can do’ bulletthree=’Free resume podcast for registering’ bulletfour=’You could win a spot in a small-group coaching call’ dnload=’http://d2uibt7wqz1aji.cloudfront.net/podcastweekly/delivery/ppw-10DeadlyResumeMistakestoAvoidatAllCosts.mp3′]

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