groupI have recommended for years that my clients and candidates use a 30-60-90-day plan when they go into job interviews (I’ve even used it myself), and for good reason–it WORKS!

A 30/60/90-day plan is, of course, a written outline that tells the hiring manager what your plans are for the first 3 months on the job.  It covers how you’ll get your training, how you’ll begin to incorporate yourself in to the flow of the company, and how you’ll begin contributing to the team.  It’s very impressive because it shows your initiative as well as your strategic thinking skills, and it also demonstrates to the hiring manager that you are prepared for the job (even if you are new to the field).  I have never heard of any hiring manager who’s failed to be impressed by this document and the candidate who created it.

Because I started out in sales and sales recruiting, that’s where I started telling folks about this remarkable tool.  It’s a natural for sales and sales management jobs.  I developed a product incorporating samples, templates, and serious, intensive coaching on exactly how to use the plan to win the job:  The 30/60/90-Day Sales Plan.

Because it’s worked so well for sales reps, word got out.  Candidates in other career areas started asking if it would work for them, too.  The answer is:  Absolutely. A 30/60/90-day plan is a tremendously effective tool for all job interviews.

Why does a 30/60/90-day plan work so well for non-sales jobs?  For the same reasons it works so well for sales jobs:

(1) it shows the hiring manager your initiative–you’re willing to go above and beyond to get the job done;

(2) it shows that you have strategic thinking skills as well as the thought process/experience/knowledge to do the job;  and

(3) it communicates to the hiring manager that you are prepared for the job (even if you are brand new to it) it’s going to be beneficial to their own success if they hire you.

In response to the questions and requests I was receiving from candidates who weren’t in sales but still needed that extra boost to help them stand out from the competition, I developed a tool that is customizable for all careers:

The 30/60/90-Day Action Plan

This product includes detailed samples for different career areas, a fill-in-the-blank template, and intensive, comprehensive coaching on how to use your plan.  You not only learn how to create a customized plan, you learn exactly what to say to use it to control your job interview.  It’s incredibly powerful.

I would never go into a job interview of any kind without a 90-Day plan for success.

Have you used a 30/60/90-day plan in your interview?  Did it make the difference?  What’s been your experience?  Let me know in the comments below.  Tell others about your success and we’ll celebrate with you.

Best of luck to you all.



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